Product Management :: Product Marketing

10 March, 2021

Product Management Tube Map

Product Focus have just published their Product Management Tube Map - SUPERB!

As well as being a lovely graphical interpretation of the role of Product Management, it shows the interconnected nature of product management and product marketing with many other business functions.

But Mind the Gap. In many companies, the focus is on Agile and Product Owners, and the strategic & leadership role of product management is missing

How true!

Possible extension to the infographic - 'Ticket to Ride'

The diagram made me think about the skills required to navigate the Tube Map - one's Ticket to Ride, as it were:
  • Business Savvy
  • Empathy
  • Communication skills: listening and clarity in written and vocal transmission
  • 'Spidey' sense of what's doing to happen next
  • Leadership (vision and direction) and Trust

1 comment:

Nicholas B said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this blog, thanks for sharing